Japan Public TV broadcast station the NHK (essentially Japan's version of PBS) published a report which stated that roughly 1-in-4 anime studios are in the red. Combine that with the country's declining population and general lack of interest in the anime industry as an occupation due to long hours and low pay and the industry's outlook is not looking too bright.
This is up 5% from the result of similar studies from 2011-2014 which found 1-in-5 anime studios were losing money. Furthermore, the report added that 80% of young animators quit in their first three years.
However, anime fans are quick to point out that in Hollywood, roughly 50% of modern movies fail to break even. While that's not necessarily an apples-to-apples comparison, there's enough similarities to convey that the reward of a successful film/anime outweighs the risk of failure and that there will always be studios willing to gamble.