In 2016, The manga series, The Promised Neverland, released initially in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump. The story was brought to life by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu and is still running today, entering its final arc in 2018.
The manga tells the story of three orphans who end up on the run when they find out that their perfect home is a farm to fed children to demons! Upon release, the fairy tale esque story was a smash hit.
The series has managed to spawn an anime from CloverWorks and will even be releasing a live-action film! The anime has also found itself a western audience, thanks to the Adult Swim programming block Toonami.
The series can be found on any major anime streaming services. However, Funimation will be releasing a different version of the show, come July. The service stated that the English dub of the series would be coming to the site.
The surprise was unexpected, but with a stellar voice cast of people who have worked on shows like My Hero Academia and Dragon Ball Super, its no surprise that the dub is getting the spotlight. Make sure to share your thoughts on the new reveal, and don' t forget to check out the dub once it streams on the website!
The Promised Neverland follows three protagonists, Emma, Norman, and Ray, along with a cast of orphans who live together. Their lives have been full of joy, that is until the protagonists learn the orphanage is really a farm where children are raised and given to demons to be eaten.
The Promised Neverland English dub releases, on Funimation, July 1st!