In 2006, Kaneyoshi Izumi launched the shojo series, Seiho Boys' High School. The series was published in the pages of Shogakukan's Betsucomi magazine. The series ended in 2010, running for four years at eight volumes.
The series followed a group of young men at an all-boys high school. As they begin to show more interest in girls, they begin to dislike their living situation; until a girl appears in the school. This causes a whole new level of tension for the boys as they start vying for the girl's attention.
The series was a hit for fans, and due to that success, is spawning a new live-action film. However, that film has been delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. While no official announcements for an anime have been given, there is always hope that the series will get an animated adaption.
Being that it has been a decade since release, no fan expected any new chapters from the comic. Still, according to Betsucomi, Izumi will be working on a two chapter epilogue for the manga! The first chapter will be 37 pages and be on the cover of the magazine's issue and have a full-color opening page. The chapters will be focusing on the main characters after the manga.
With the new chapters, fans will be more than happy to be able to have a brief continuation of their favorite characters. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new epilogue in the comments!
Remote, lonely and surrounded by the ocean. This isn't Alcatraz we're talking about, it's Seiho Boys' High School, where the student body is rife with sexually frustrated hunks! How can these young men get girlfriends when they're stuck in the middle of nowhere?
When a pretty girl shows up on campus, the whole school is sent into a frenzy. It's not often these sheltered youths get a real living and breathing female within their midst. The boys want to help her out, but are they in way over their heads?
The Seiho Boys' High School epilogue will be coming to Shogakukan's Betsucomi magazine in July!