Attack On Titan is one of the most popular Anime shows around, taking the world by storm since its debut in 2013. Its no surprise that a lot of people are hooked on Attack On Titan, including famous celebrites and actors. One of the more recent hollywood fans is John Boyega from Star Wars: The Force Awakens! We have a couple of his tweets below where he shares his thoughts on Attack On Titan and its characters.
Are you a fan of
Attack On Titan too? Have you checked on
Attack On Titan Season 2 yet? We have included a trailer below for you to check out!
About Attack On Titan Season 2: Eren Jaeger swore to wipe out every last remaining Titan, but in a battle for his life, he becomes the thing he hates most. With his new powers, he fights for humanity’s freedom and faces the monsters that threaten his home. After a bittersweet victory against the female Titan, Eren finds no time to rest—a horde of Titans approaches Wall Rose, and the battle for humanity continues!