After the groundbreaking Digimon resurgence that came after the film series Digimon Adventure tri., the Digimon franchise was back and better than ever with new animations and a more mature story with genuine stakes. The film project ended up being one of the most successful Digimon iterations of all time.
Once film series ended, the generation that grew up with Digimon were able to get a proper send-off with the film, Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna. The final adventure for Tai and Agumon. Once the Digimon franchise seemed to have ended, again, there was a lingering question in the air; "What now?"
That question did not take long to get an answer, as creators decided that the best way to introduce the series to new fans; while keeping the older fans guessing what could happen next was to reboot the franchise entirely! With that reveal, a new Digimon Adventure was born.
The new series kept all of the same characters from the original series. Still, they changed some story elements, designs, personality traits, and possibly most surprising is that the timeline is entirely different! One of the significant differences the series revealed is that the show will be introducing characters over time and not at once.
The reboot wants to take its time with characters and show fans what is to come. The brand new trailer, released for the series, shows that perfectly. Tell us in the comments what you think about the new direction for the series, and don't forget to check out the brand new promo!
The story revolves around a group of elementary school students known as the DigiDestined, who are transported to a parallel Digital World and find themselves in a quest to save it from evil forces with the help of their partner creatures.
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