The Digimon franchise has been around since the '90s and has helped capture the imagination of an entire generation of fans. The series is about children being taken to a digital world, where they meet animal companions called Digimon. Together they learned about trust and friendship, while their internal strength allows their Digimon to evolve into stronger and more powerful monsters, to protect each other and save the world. The franchise has seen a ton of new iterations and changes, but for the year 2020, the series is taking it back to basics.
Over the past few years, the original Digimon Adventure cast has been revisited with the Digimon Adventure tri. Film series. The series saw our heroes older and trying to protect their homeworld and Digimon from a new threat. The film series was followed up by the film Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna, which was the final adventure for not only Tai and Agumon but the entire adventure team. The film was a significant hit and served as a final goodbye to the fans that have grown up with these characters and series.
However, as one door closed, another opened, a new generation needed to know the fun and importance of Digimon, and that is where the brand new Digimon Adventure: series comes in. The series acts as a reboot of the original series, but with multiple changes to keep it new and fresh for fans young and old. The series recently premiered but was forced to delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this was a bit of a set back for the series, the Digimon Twitter has announced that the series would be returning and even airing from episode 1 for fans who may have missed it!
Happy to watch a new Digimon series? Could it surpass the original? Make sure to put your comments in the usual spot! Digimon Adventure: is set to return, in Japan, on June 7th!, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.