One of the most popular shonen animes out there, Dragon Ball, has a unique technique where two characters fuse and become one. Appropriately titled, “Fusion”, this technique has made our protagonists the victors in many tough fights.
Akira Toriyama has inspired many fans to create their own fusion and make up fights of their own. However, this technique is quite mysterious and no one knows exactly how it works. Toriyama sat down with Kanzenshuu and talked a little bit about how fusion works.
“I wanted to make it have these stupid poses even though it was an important technique, so I settled on this sort of action. I think I probably got the hint for the “Sion” part from performers’ signature poses when I was watching TV,” Toriyama stated.
Probably the most popular aspect of the fusion technique is the dance that comes with it. We know this dance might look funny but Toriyama revealed it truly has a purpose behind it and anyone can perform it, given they sync up well with each other.
“I think it’s possible to merge no matter the conditions, as long as it all goes well. I even think it’s possible for a larger number of people. However, since it’s quite hard for both parties to strike that delicate balance, it’s very difficult for two extremely different people to fuse,” the artist explained.
“In that sense, synchronized swimmers would probably be really good at Fusion. By the way, there are many different types of Fusion, and the kind Goku learned is the one for increasing battle power.”
Go ahead and click here if you want to read the rest of the interview and learn more on the fusion technique.
Dragon Ball Super is airing its English dub right now. You can watch in Funimation and Amazon Video.