The hit mobile game, Chain Chronicle, is receiving a three-part anime film adaptation from Telecom Animation Film and Graphinica. The first will be released on December 3, 2016 with the other two following on January 14, 2017, and February 11, 2017. Following the conclusion of the trilogy in Japanese theaters, a TV anime series will begin.
Each will receive a limited-run of 2 weeks in Japanese theaters.
Masashi Kudo directs from a script supervised by Touko Machida. Masashi Kudo provided character designs.
Sega previously released the pilot for the TV anime last December.
Chain Chronicle is a tower defense role-playing game developed and published by Sega for iOS, Android, and PlayStation Vita. It was released in Japan on July 26, 2013 for iOS, August 1, 2013 for Android and on July 16, 2014 for the PlayStation Vita. The game is licensed in Asia by SNDA in China, MobiMon for both Taiwan and Macau, Actoz Soft for South Korea and gumi Asia for both Southeast Asia and North American release, however the game was closed down in February 29, 2016.
The series spawned an original video animation series directed by Takeshi Mori, animated by Jūmonji and Sotsu. It was released on December 18, 2014.