Masashi Kishimoto's series, Naruto, began publishing Shueisha's Weekly Shonen jump back in the late 90s. The series told the story of a young ninja named Naruto, who dreams of one day becoming the village Hokage. The manga ran for a total of 72 volumes before ending in 2014.
From the genius of the manga, an anime was born in 2002. The first series, simply titled Naruto, ran until 2007 with 220 episodes. In that same year, the hero ended up getting a sequel series that featured the character as a teenager, titled Naruto: Shippuden. The series ended up running until the very end with 500 episodes.
After the multiple games and movies that have come from the franchise, if there was never a spin-off series, fans would not have minded; however, the story was not yet over. In 2016, Ukyo Kodachi launched Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. The story follows the son of Naruto as he makes his way in a world much different from his dad's.
The manga continues to be published and has spawned an anime series that has been airing since 2017, with 154 episodes so far. Recently, the anime was forced to go on a hiatus as the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic caused multiple productions to go on breaks and delays.
Since May, fans have been waiting for a continuation of the Mujina Bandits Arc, with episode 155. Well, the latest issues of Weekly Shonen Jump has announced that that day will come in July! With the series finally airing new episodes again, make sure to share your thoughts in the comments!
Boruto is a spin-off and a sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto, which follows the exploits of Naruto Uzumaki's son, Boruto Uzumaki, and his ninja team. ... Unlike the manga, which began as a retelling of the Boruto film, the anime begins as a prequel set before Boruto and his friends become ninjas in a later story arc.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations returns with new episodes on July 5th!