The first season of the anime adaptation of writer Yūki Yaku and illustrator Fly's popular ongoing light novel series Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki was something of a surprise hit during the Winter 2021 anime season. That's why the news of a 13-episode second season was well received by online anime fans when the show's official Twitter account revealed the news in February 2023.
The first anime season consisted of 12 episodes and was produced by Project No.9, a relatively small studio known for producing anime series such as "Ro-Kyu-Bu!," "And you thought there is never a girl online?," and "Tenshi no 3P!" among others.
Now, we know when the second season will air as the official Twitter account once again provided the news, disclosing that Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki 2nd Stage will premiere during the Winter 2024 anime season, which kicks off next January. Other noteworthy anime also spearheading the Winter 2024 anime season include Kaiju No. 8, Beastars Season 3, Moonrise and Sound! Euphonium Season 3. It is also likely that more Winter 2024 anime titles will be announced in the coming weeks and months.
The first season of the anime covered the first 3 volumes of the ongoing light novel series, which has released 10 volumes to date. Funimation previously simulcast the first season as it aired in Japan but following the streamer's acquisition by Sony, expect the second season to be simulcast on Crunchyroll.
Tomozaki is one of the best gamers in Japan, and in his opinion, the game of real life is one of the worst. No clear-cut rules for success, horribly balanced, and nothing makes sense. But then he meets a gamer who's just as good as him, and she offers to teach him a few exploits...