Recently One-Punch Man Manga Illustrator, Yusuke Murata, released the first part of his original anime series, Zaiyuki. Zaiyuki was created by Murata and his in-house anime studio Village Studio.
Today they made the exciting surprise drop by releasing the "A Part" of the anime over two Tweets–the video was too long for just one, non-Twitter Blue, Tweet.
Check the tweets out below!
Murata stated that since the A part was completed, he decided to put subtitles on the video and release it unto the world, giving us his take on a modern Journey to the West tale. The manga creator turned animator noted that he realized that one of the cuts was out of order in the part, hinting that a complete version of Zaiyuki will be released in the future.
The story centers around a kappa boy who is thrust into an adventure of growing up after a treasure hunter comes along, based on the ever-inspiring Journey to the West story. Murata also released a bunch of character setting sheets for each of the four leads.
With the short length of the A Part, it's likely that Zaiyuki won't be a feature-length anime and will probably be a short OVA, though the level of detail is immense, as expected from Murata.
Previously, Murata had released illustrations announcing the anime series being in the works. Check them out below!
Let us know what you think of the released videos of the anime in the comments below!