The animated Pokemon franchise is still going strong 26 years after its debut in 1997. And although the fandom is feeling bittersweet these days due to the news that Ash Ketchum will no longer be the main character after the franchise airs its 1,234 episode on March 24, there's news to celebrate this morning as a new Pokemon Direct has revealed that a stop-motion animated series is on the way at Netflix, titled Pokemon Concierge.
Pokemon Concierge will follow a group of Pokemon and their trainers at a deluxe, island resort.
There's no release date yet for Pokemon Concierge but the short teaser video says the show is coming soon. Dwarf Animation Studio, best known for Monsters at Work and Trash Truck, are animating the series.
In addition to the main Pokemon anime series' continuation with new leads, there's also fan buzz building around one of the show's new supporting characters, Captain Pikachu. Fans are already calling for a spinoff series starring the new character.
Brought to you by Netflix and The Pokémon Company, "Pokémon Concierge" tells the story of Haru, a concierge at the Pokémon Resort, and her interactions with Pokémon and their owners who visit as guests.