Over the past few months, the show Pokémon Journeys, the 23rd series in the animated franchise, has been subject to a lengthy delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been no new episodes that have even made it to the west, where the series streams on the Netflix streaming service.
The newest series follows Ash and Pikachu as they travel to a new region and meet a new trainer named Goh, who has a dream to capture all of the Pokémon in the world. The show follows the duo as they brave the dangers that come their way on their travels to capture and train as many Pokémon as they can.
Thankfully, fans will not have to wait any longer to see where these adventures lead them as the show has officially launched a fresh batch of episodes on Netflix! Starting today, fans can catch up with eleven new episodes of the fantastic show!
As the journey continues for the trio, will you be tuning in to join them? We would love to hear your thoughts on the new episodes in the comments below!
With Ash as determined as ever to become a Pokémon Master, and Goh aiming to catch one of every Pokémon (including the Mythical Mew), our heroes are in for adventure and excitement as they explore the wide world of Pokémon!
Pokémon Journeys is streaming episodes 13-24 now on Netflix!