There’s a new Pocket Monster television anime on the horizon, and Team Rocket is set to appear. We understand that Megumi Hayashibara, Shinichiro Miki, and Inuko Inuyama, are all returning to reprise their roles as Jessie, James, and Meowth respectively.
Now, the first episode of the series is expected to premiere on November 17 as an expanded live broadcast special, from there on, the episodes will be aired on Sundays via the same time slot as Pokémon Sun & Moon.
Ash will appear as expected, but there’s a new character, and he’s called Go. Both will go on adventures as partners, as they aspire to capture every living Pokémon, they can get their hands on. Furthermore, the new series will feature all regions in the Pokémon universe, which is pretty nice.
As for the storyline, that is something we have no information on at this moment, but that will change as time goes by.