The Pokémon series has been around for over 20 years, and it doesn't seem like it will be going away any time soon — which is great news for fans of the long-running franchise that spans all kinds of media; including animated series, trading cards and video games.
While the series itself — specifically talking about the animated show — has seen some reimagining, it is true that the formula can get a little bit stale over the years; particularly for those who have been fans of the series since it first began airing back in the late 90s.
Today The Pokémon Company has released a charming new animated short that does things a little bit differently, as it breathes some new life into the Pokémon series as a whole, while also keeping the elements that have made the franchise one of the most recognisable brands around the world.
Pokétoon is the name of this brand-new miniseries released by The Pokémon Company on the official Pokémon Kids TV YouTube channel, and it is heavily inspired by classic animated series like Warner Bros.' timeless Looney Tunes.
The first episode is called "Chase the Beans", and is directed by Japanese artist Taku Inoue — who has perfectly captured the essence of the cartoons from the golden age of American animation; carefully mimicking its art style, music, and charm.
We still don't know if this is a one-off, or a fully fledged series of animated shorts that The Pokémon Cpompany will be distributing online, but we definitely appreciate the fact that this episode exists; even if it is the only one we'll get.
Take a look: