Rainy Cocoa (Ame-iro Cocoa), a series of anime shorts featuring several popular Japanese male voice actor stars, has been added to Funimation's spring simulcast.
The first three episodes are available online with new episodes being added every Sunday at 11:30 AM.
Fans will be excited to learn that the
official site (via
AnimeNewsNetwork.com) has announced that the series has been picked up for a third season, thanks to a very successful crowdfunding campaign which surpassed its goal of 2,000,000 yen (approx. US $16,551) by earning 2,229,000 yen (approx. US $18,275). The campaign will allow the show to add more characters, cast members and a live-action segment that will air with the anime.
Aoi Tokura is having a rough day. He’s used to being mistaken for a girl, but it’s even worse when a captivating stranger on the train calls him a creeper for staring a little too long. Aoi’s soaked by a sudden rainstorm and takes shelter at Rainy Color, a cozy café where the warmth of the staff compliments the sweet hot cocoa he’s served. When he falls into a job at the café he feels like things are finally looking up— until Keiichi Iwase, the man he couldn’t help but stare at on the train, shows up. Did this day just get worse, or better?