For almost two decades, the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise has been entertaining countless people with their unique spin on the trading card battle genre. As a shonen icon, its no surprise the level of influence the character has had on the entire franchise.
With multiple sequel series, it's hard to break the mold, however, with the release of the most recent series, Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens, that's precisely what happened! What makes the new series so different from the one that came before is the fact that the series revolves around elementary school students, the youngest the cast has been ever!
Following the rousing success of the new series, a brand new manga spin-off has also been announced by Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump. Titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: My Road Academy, the new series will release in the Saikyo Jump magazine and is written by Megumi Sasaki.
While no story details are revealed, it has been confirmed that the series has officially released! Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments!
The anime features a protagonist in elementary school for the first time in the franchise. The anime has a new "Rush Duel" rule and takes place in the future in the town of Gōha. Yūga Ōdō, a fifth-grade student, loves both inventions and dueling. His classmate Luke is a self-styled "number one duelist at Gōha 7 Elementary School." Gakuto is the school's student council president, and Romin is Yūga's classmate.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: My Road Academy has officially released!