For 20 years, the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise has been leading the charge in card-based battling using unique monsters of all shapes and sizes. While the franchise initially began as a manga series, it has since branched off into a serious collector's property and a highly competitive field.
However, the property has and always will be designed for the entertainment of children, and because of that, the anime has always been there to pull in new fans who love to watch these awesome battles take place. Its latest series Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens is the most recent show and make history by being the first series to focus on characters who are in elementary school!
Following the premiere of the anime in April, the show has been an instant hit for viewers. In fact, the series has officially greenlit a brand new manga spin-off that focuses on the character Rook! Titled, Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: Rook! Legend of Exploding Military Rule!! the series is planning on being published on Shueisha's V Jump magazine and will be handled by artist Tasuku Sugie and writer Masahiro Hikokubo.
With this being the second spin-off of the series, maybe more will be released down the line! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments on whether or not you plan on reading the manga!
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS follows Yuga Ohdo, who attends Goha Seventh Elementary, decides to change this world which is too cramped for kids, and battles with his road "Rush Duel" while believing in his creations.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: Rook! Legend of Exploding Military Rule!! will begin publishing in Shueisha's V Jump magazine on September 19th!