The Katamari franchise will come to Nintendo Switch. It will do so through Katamari Damacy Reroll, a title based on the first installment that will not abandon the classic gameplay of the saga or the humor so characteristic of these games.
The game will be available in the eShop of the console and PC on November 30th, 2018, although it will also have a physical version for the Nintendo console on December 7th.
Katamari Damacy Reroll will use the Nintendo Switch features such as motion control and HD vibration, as well as cooperative mode.
In Katamari Damacy we will control the Prince, who will travel the stages rolling a sticky ball which adds increasingly large objects in a limited period of time. We can add clueless bystanders, traffic lights, pigeons, cars and even buildings. Once the ball is finished we will present it to the King of all the Cosmos, who will value our work.