In 1997, the Natsume developed, robot fighting RPG Medabots, Medarot in Japan, released on the Game Boy through publisher Imagineer. The series was an instant hit with gamers, allowing them to create and customize their fighting robot companions and battling others.
The franchise released four more sequels to the main series, since and multiple game spin-offs. One of the spin-offs was a manga series that ran from 1997 to 2003, with just as much success as the video games.
1999 was where the franchise truly took off, however, as a new anime was released. The series adapted the plot of the second game and aired in both Japan and North America, which ended up being just as much a hit as it was in Japan.
It had been some time since the world of Medabots entered the video game arena again, but in 2017, a collection of the first five games released on the Nintendo 3DS. The collection was titled Medabots Classics. The release helped to keep the franchise in the minds of players, and it looks like that is about to happen again!
In a recent reveal, it looks as though the original collection is about to return in a big way with Medabots Classics Plus! Featuring the first five titles, this new version will also contain three more games; Medabots Navi, Medabots G, Medabots Two: CORE, in either a Kabuto version or Kuwagata version. The release will come in a standard version and a version that features a memorial art plate and a three-disc soundtrack along with both!
A new trailer was also released that shows fans what the collection will contain! Make sure to check it below and share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Medabots Classics Plus is set to release, in Japan, on the Nintendo Switch on November 12th!