Based on the popular video game series of the same name developed by SEGA;
Sonic the Hedgehog is an upcoming, live-action movie which stars Ben Schwartz, Jim Carrey, James Marsden, and Tika Sumpter — the former two of those actors will play Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Robotnik/Eggman respectively. The film is set for release on February 14th, 2020.
As we quickly approach the release of the video game movie, Paramount Pictures has released yet another trailer. This time, the promotional material is entirely in Japanese — the same can be said for a new poster which you can check out below.
The new trailer and poster both feature the reveal of an adorable, young version of
Sonic the Hedgehog. It seems that he's smaller, cuter, and chubbier than his teenage self — he's even got a miniature version of his iconic, red shoes. Check out the trailer and poster below (via