Last year, Oasis Games Ltd. launched a brand new smartphone game centered around the hit anime, One Punch Man. Titled, One Punch Man: Road to Hero, the game allowed players to command a squad of their favorite heroes and villains and battle it out in combat.
The One Punch Man series was created in 2009 by ONE and Yusuke Murata. The comic tells the story of a man who, after rigorous training, becomes so strong he can end fights in a single punch. Being a hero for fun, viewers watch as he meets other heroes and takes on multiple villains.
The manga later spawned two successful seasons of anime and multiple video games. One game that is coming out this month is a sequel to the previously mentioned Road to Hero game.
One Punch Man: Road to Hero 2.0 is the next installment in the mobile game series and will continue to allow players to train and control characters from the series. A new addition to the game includes a Story mode, where players control the main character, Saitama, or a City mode, where players can improve their skills with new challenges.
The game will also allow for an award for players of the first game, to advance in the sequel a little faster. This game will make for a great jumping-on point for new and old players alike. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
One Punch Man: Road to Hero 2.0 will release on iOS and Android on June 30th!