One of the most successful anime and manga in recent years has been Nakaba Suzuki's The Seven Deadly Sins. Since its release, the franchise has enjoyed multiple manga chapters and seasons of anime that have even made its way to the west! However, one of its biggest additions to the franchise has been Netmarble's mobile game The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross.
Grand Cross released this past March and has already received a whopping 3 million downloads so far. One of the things it is best known for is its multiple festivals and events that the game holds. There is a new one that has started for this month that features the birthday of King of Liones Bartra, aka the Liones Festival! The festival will feature a ton of new features and characters, including the long-awaited SSR [Holy Warrior] Goddess Elizabeth!
Fans can also expect various other events such as Bartra’s Birthday Quest and the Event Death Match Lamek. Players will also have the chance to earn another character, SSR [Knighthood of Scraps Disposal] Captain Hawk, or play Happy Bartra Day! Bingo and also purchase 3 black Friday bundles! A lot of the quests will also offer various other rewards and skins for the player to exchange or keep.
There is a lot coming with this new event, but all of it will be well worth it for fans of the game. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new event in the comments below!
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross translates the storytelling and adventures of [The Seven Deadly Sins], into a highly engaging and entertaining mobile gaming experience. The game features stunning, high-resolution 3D graphics, over 100 dramatic cutscenes, and is brought to life with the cast of the original Japanese voice actors reprising their characters.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is free to download on the App Store and Google Play!