In Japan, the Zoids franchise has been enjoying an extreme resurgence, cine 2018, thanks to their new Zoids Wild brand. Along with a new toyline, the company has also started releasing a brand new anime that is celebrating its second season, as of now.
Coupled with new toys and an anime, the brand has also been announcing some awesome new games that, until now, have only seen release in Japan. With so much content to tell across the world, the franchise is finally primed to make its way to the states and has started with airing the Zoids Wild anime on Netflix.
Now, a brand new game will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch in the west titled Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed! To help build excitement, a brand new gameplay trailer began streaming for the game that shows a ton of new footage and shows off what to expect from the game as a whole.
With the release coming this fall, will you be picking up a copy? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the brand new trailer below!
In Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed players will let loose the wild mecha power and animal instincts of Zoids, in breathtaking, head-to-head battles against friends or in a new single player Zoids story that follows the war between Arashi's Team Freedom and the power-hungry Team Dark Metal.
Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed will release on the Nintendo Switch, in the west, on October 16th!