The ecchi comedy romance anime series, Eromanga-sensei, has released two new videos. Its second promotional trailer and a television commercial. The OVA is set to release on January 16, 2019. These videos have new footage from the OVA, as it shows one of the main characters, Sagiri, taking care of her sick older brother.
The two episodes included in this project are titled Yamada Elf no Love Song and Izumi Sagiri no First Kiss. A-1 Pictures is the studio behind the animation, Ryohei Takeshita and Tatsuya Takahashi are directing them. The OVA will be out on January 16, 2019.
The anime series of the same name aired from April 2017 to June 2017 and has a total of 12 episodes. Aniples, Movic, ASCII, Media Worsk, BS11 and Kinoshita Group Holdings produce it. Aniplex of America has the English license. The novel series that inspired this anime has been publishing since December 2013 and is written by Tsukasa Fushimi while Hiro Kanzaki draws the illustrations.
The light novel series has been publishing since December 10, 2013 and has 10 volumes out right now. Tsukasa Fushimi writes it, Hiro Kanzaki illustrates it and ASCII Media Works publishes it. The manga series is written by the same author and has illustrations by Rin. Dark Horse Comics has the English license and has 7 volumes out right now.
Masamune Izumi is a high school student who writes light novels. Sagiri Izumi is a shut-in who never leaves her room. A year ago, she became Masamune’s little sister. But one day, Masamune discovers a shocking twist—The artist "Eromanga Sensei," who has been drawing illustrations for his novels, is none other than his little sister Sagiri! His cute little shut-in of a sister, who has been living under his roof, is using an obscene pen name and draws lewd illustrations?!
Eromanga-sensei's OVA will be out on January 16, 2019