In 2013, artist Kazasa Sumita and writer Shinya Murata created the violent and raunchy manga series, Killing Bites. Initially, the series launched in the pages of Hero Inc.'s Monthly Hero's magazine and is still in publication today.
Following the magazine's initial release, the series has dropped 16 compiled volumes, as of the beginning of August. With the success of the series running so high, it wasn't until 2018 when a 12-episode anime began streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
After the massive success of both the anime and the manga, Sumita announced that a brand new spin-off to the series is coming! The new book, titled Desire Overload, Right Inaba!?, will feature the same creative team; however, there have been no details on what the series will be about, but the book will be coming later this month in Hero's Inc.'s "Wild Hero's" website.
With the first chapter releasing soon, now is the best time to read up on the main Killing Bites series! Make sure to share your thoughts on the series in the comments below!
Killing Bites are underworld duels between human-animal hybrids.
One beast who knows no fear will fight in this animalistic world full of fear and insanity.
This ultimate battle of the beasts will shock you to your core!
Desire Overload, Right Inaba!? will launch on Hero's Inc.'s "Wild Hero's" website on August 21st!