Back in 2015, a manga was released that focuses on police officers who wielded swords. The manga which was inspired by a stage play is called Keishichō Battōka (Police Swordsmen) and is one of the best out there in terms of story.
Now, after five years on the market, we’ve now come to understand that the creator, creator Misaki Saitoh, has published the last chapter of the series, which officially puts an end to the entire manga. Apparently, the chapter was published on Gentosha Comics' Comic Boost website on June 26th.
Gentosha will then publish the eighth and final volume come this August 24, so look out for that because its more than a month away, so you could end up forgetting.
What is Police Swordsmen all about?
As stated above, its about police officers who use swords, but that’s just a small part. You see, they fight people who are possessed by mythical swords. The idea is to help the possessed, but as expected, not everyone can be saved when they are under the control of something mythical and evil.
We’ve read some chapters of Police Swordsmen and can say for sure that it would do great as an anime. Hopefully, in the near future, an adaptation will be announced to get fans excited.