Over the past few weeks, there has been quite a buzz surrounding an upcoming anime titled Shadows House. Released in the pages of Shueisha's Young Jump magazine by a creative duo that goes by so-ma-to and tells the story of a house that holds both humans and entities from a shadow world.
The series has such a unique narrative that it was almost necessary for an anime to be made so that the animations could properly bring to life the amazing artwork found in the manga. However, the journey of finding the perfect production company has not been easy.
Thankfully, the search for the perfect studio has finally been found in CloverWorks! The studio is best known for series such as The Promised Neverland and Darling in the FRANXX and has proven time and again that the studio knows how to create fantastic anime.
With CloverWorks confirmed, this means that it is only a matter of time before fans are able to see footage of the show. We would love to hear your thoughts on the show's update in the comments below!
The manga's story is set in a Western-style mansion on a cliff and centers the aristocratic, faceless Shadow family. They live together with lifelike doll attendants who serve as their faces. The story focuses on the daily lives of the house's inhabitants and gradually reveals its mysteries.
Shadows House is coming soon to Japan!