The upcoming Ishura TV anime, based on the popular fantasy light novel series written by Keiso and drawn by Kureta, just announced three more competitors who have been added to the battle for the title of "True Hero"! In addition to being cast, each of the newly announced characters came with a character poster of their very own.
Check out the new characters and cast along with their personalized posters below!
Aoi Yuuki (Lucy in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) as Kia the Poetry of the Globe
Mamiko Noto (Yui in Hell's Paradise) as Elea the Crimson Tag
Rie Takahashi (Megumin in KONOSUBA -An Explosion on This Wonderful World!) as Nihiro the Unbound Rush
You can check out some of the previously announced cast members below:
Regnejee the Sunset Wing voiced by Showtaro Morikubo (Orphen in Sorcerous Stabber Orphen)
Curte the Clear Sky voiced by Sora Amamiya (Chizuru Mizuhara in Rent-a-Girlfriend)
The Ishura light novel series is being published in English by Yen Press, and the fourth volume is planned to be released on July 18!
Not familiar with the story of Ishura? Yen Press describes the series below:
In a world where the Demon King has died, a host of demigods capable of felling him have inherited the world. A master fencer who can figure out how to take out their opponents with a single glance; a lancer so swift they can break the sound barrier; a wyvern rogue who fights with three legendary weapons at once; an all-powerful wizard who can speak thoughts into being; an angelic assassin who deals instant death. Eager to attain the title of “True Hero,” these champions each pursue challenges against formidable foes and spark conflicts among themselves. The battle to determine the mightiest of the mighty begins.
Let us know which of the newly released characters you are most excited to see in the Ishura anime series in the comments below!