What first aired in 2007 and has since become one of the more beloved series in the
Mobile Suit Gundam franchise,
Gundam 00 will now be receiving its first live action stage play! The synopsis will be as follows;
"In the story's wartorn future, mankind has splintered into three major factions over energy resources. However, a group known as the Celestial Being aims to eradicate war with four giant robotic mecha known as Gundams and their Gundam Meister pilots."; Fumiya Matsuzaki will be both writing and directing the play that is set to premier next year. A new visual was just released that can be seen below!
The play is set to premier in Japan; first in Nippon Seinenkan Hall in Tokyo on February 15-18. Then after that the play moves to Morinomiya Piloti Hall in Osaka during February 23 and 24 where there will be a stream of the entire play in theaters in Japan, at 4:30pm, on the 24th. Excited for the play or maybe even planning to see it? Share your thoughts in the usual spot!