Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Astray is a spinoff series to the highly successful
Gundam Seed anime, that premiered in 2002. There have been up to 11 works withing the Astray series that have told a branching story through manga, novels, anime and photo stories. The latest series,
Princess of the Sky, has recently published its third compiled volume and has been running since as early as 2015 with
Koichi Tokita as artist and
Tomohiro Chiba as writer.
In the most recent issue of
Kadokawa's Gundam Ace magazine, it was announced that
Princess of the Sky would be ending by the end of January, 2019. With the success the series has had the real thought isn't a sadness over its end but a curiosity of what is to come. Interested on what could come after the series end? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Gundam Seed Astray: Princess of the Sky ends on January 26th, 2019.