Acting as a direct sequel to the original series, the Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash novel series had been written by Yoshiyuki Tomino. The novel told the story of the son of Bright Noa, Hathaway, and how he is dealing with what has come after the finale of Char's Counterattack. The series released during 1989 and 1990 and was met with positive reviews from readers. The interiors of the series were drawn by Haruhiko Mikimoto with mech designs by Yasuhiro Moriki.
While Gundam grew in fame, the Hathaway series was not returned to for a long time. However, all of that changed when Sunrise decided it was time to adapt the series with a brand new film titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway. The film is being directed by Shukou Murase (Gangsta.), and Yasuyuki Mutou (Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn RE:0096) is handling the script. Voice actor Nozomu Sasaki, who voiced Hathaway in the 1988 Char's Counterattack film, will be returning to reprise his role as the titular character.
Initially, the film was supposed to release on July 23rd; however, things changed as the COVID-19 pandemic began to slow down a lot of the productions in the country. Sadly, this has forced Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway to go on hiatus, according to Sunrise. As for when the series will return, fans will have to tune in to the film's website, and social media accounts for an updated date when one is decided.
Sad for the delay? Will the film live up to the original story? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot!