Sunrise's 2015 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans installment was a more realistic series, with no one inherently safe from meeting their demise. Across the show's 50 episodes, many of the orphan mercenaries of Tekkadan lost their lives and by the end of the series, the two main leads- Orga Itsuka and Mikazuki August had met their demise. So the recent tease of a continuation of the series is raising a few eyebrows.
Below, the official Twitter account for the series posted the below image and asked fans to wait for news of a "continuation."
Crunchyroll simulcast the series as it aired back in 2015 and Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block began airing an English-dub back in June 2016.
Speculation is currently running rampant as the series was fairly popular and the deaths of Orga and Mikasuki resulted in their fair share of tears. Is the "continuation" a prequel, a sequel set far into the future, or something else entirely? Sunrise definitely has the attention of the mecha anime community. Stay tuned to Anime Mojo for additional reporting., and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.