The newest video-game based on anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, New Gundam Breaker was first released on the PlayStation 4 back in June - and suffered from a less than standard launch. On account of the game's initial poor reception, many had assumed that Bandai Namco had quietly snuffed the PC release - apparently not, as; the studio recently took to Twitter to announce the PC port's release date.
The PC version of New Gundam Breaker will be available from September 25th and be wholly up to date with the PlayStation 4 version. On top of this, it's said that the PC will flat-out be an all-round better experience than that of the console, as it features: improved input and camera performance, more radio chat options, and expanded multiplayer options. It'll include two, new battlefields: "Class Room" and "Student Boardroom".
A price hasn't yet be revealed by Steam, but the PlayStation 4 version costs $40, so expect it to be around that range. However, Bandai did make sure to reassure fans that all future DLC content will be free-of-charge.
Will you be playing New Gundam Breaker on PC next week? If you've already played the game, what did you think of it?
New Gundam Breaker assembles on PC on September 24th. It's already out on PlayStation 4., and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.