In the late 80s, the company, Sunrise, released an anime titled Mashin Eiyuden Wataru. The series was an adventure story that even included mecha! The original series was a significant success that spawned a sequel series in 1990. Not long after that, another sequel was released titled Cho Mashin Eiyuden Wataru, in 1997.
While the anime series were releasing, there were at least three OVAs that also came out around that time. The anime may not be well known to many fans, but much like many other shows of that era, the iconography of the series has made ripples in the medium.
Considering it has been decades since the last time the series has graced the small screen, Sunrise decided it was high time to bring Mashin Eiyuden Wataru to new eyes. With the directorial style of Hiroshi Koujina (Hunter x Hunter) and character designer Momoko Makiuchi (Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood). As the anime took form, a toy line was also being produced by Bandai Spirit's Tamashii Nations.
The new series, Mashin Eiyuden Wataru Seven-Souled Ryujinmaru, released this past April on the Bandai Spirits Youtube channel. Upon release, the series was a significant hit. As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, however, the anime was forced to go on a delay.
Since late April, the series has been on a hiatus until further notice. Thankfully, in a recent announcement by the series' official website, the show is coming back this summer! This means that fans can get back to the adventure as soon as possible! Make sure to share your thoughts on the series' return in the usual spot!
The project's story follows series protagonist Wataru, who goes to the world Sōkaizan in response to a call about an incident there. An evil presence shrouds the area, and the robot Ryūjinmaru's power has been sealed. Together with his friends Shibaraku, Toraō, and Himiko, Wataru begins a new journey.
Mashin Eiyuden Wataru Seven-Souled Ryujinmaru returns on June 19th!