In 2018, the animation studio Fanworks and director Rareko launched the anime Aggretsuko, on Netlfix. Following a young office worker named Retsuko, the young red panda finds that e best way to let off some steam and fight the existential dread of her work life is to sing death metal at the local karaoke.
Upon release, the anime was an instant hit among its fans, both new and old. However, this wasn't the first time that the character ventured into the world of animation; having another anime come out two years before the premiere of this one.
To date, the anime has released two seasons of the series to critical acclaim being able to expertly balance the hilarity of its death metal scenes with the repeatable situations the young protagonist must endure daily. For some time, fans knew that a third season was on the way; however, a date had not been announced. Well, thanks to Netflix, that question has finally been answered!
According to the streaming service, the third season of the anime will be coming by the end of next month! Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
Retsuko is a 25-year old red panda who works in her dream company's accounting department. But it turns out that she is forced to keep doing more and more impossible tasks by her superiors and co-workers. She doesn't talk back to them, but she still has to let off steam, so she ends up going to karaoke by herself and singing death metal.
Aggretsuko season 3 is coming to Netflix on August 27th!