Released in 2012, Assassination Classroom tells the story of a group of children who are trained, for a whole school year, to kill their teacher. Their teacher, however, is not a normal man but a yellow octopus type creature that will destroy the planet if his students do not kill him.
Created by Yusei Matsui, the manga ran until 2016 in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump and has celebrated both an anime and live-action adaption! The anime was released in 2015 and continued for two seasons with very high praise for its story and animation.
Recently, it was announced that the series would finally be making its way to western TVs wit hits upcoming premiere on Adult Swim's Toonami programming block. Joining the line-up of Black Clover, Fire Force, and more, the series will no doubt be a welcome addition.
Will you be marking your calendar for the premiere of the series? We would love to hear your thoughts on the news int he comments below!
Students must kill an octopus-like alien who portrays a teacher. Otherwise, he will destroy the Earth once the school year is over.
Assassination Classroom will premiere on Toonami on August 29th at 1:00 AM!