Initially released in 2018 on Netflix, B: The Beginning is a thrilling murder mystery series from Production I.G. and directed by Kazuto Nakazawa and Yoshiki Namakawa. Since the release, fans have taken quite positively to the first season, and now, thanks to Shout! Factory, viewers will be able to take the first season home!
The series' home video release will have two versions; the base version will feature the DVD and Blu-Ray and includes a ton of exciting bonus features. Along with the subbed and dubbed versions, fans can expect the pilot film in which the series is inspired by a mini-poster, two art cards, clean opening and ending videos, and an interview with director Kazuto Nakazawa. Pre-orders for the standard version are available here.
A limited-edition Ultimate Collection features all of the special features contained in the base Blu-Ray but also a 160-page hardback book that features a lot of background in regards to the composition of the anime. Three art cards will also be included along with a 21 track CD that features the unreleased song “Farewell to the Black-winged King.” Pre-orders for this version can be found here.
Will you be picking up either of these copies? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below, also don't forget to check out the trailer to the home video release!
The tiny city-state of Cremona has been shocked by a string of gruesome murders. As only vicious killers are being targeted, and from an enigmatic mark left at each crime scene, people call this mysterious executioner, “Killer B”. When former detective Keith Kazama Flick is called back on duty after an eight-year-long hiatus, a new team assembles at the Royal Investigation Service with the purpose of putting an end to the bloodshed. But Keith appears burdened by too many ghosts from his past. And as much greater and ominous scheme starts emerging, he will need to come to terms with them all.
B: The Beginning Season One comes to Digital, Blu-Ray, and DVD on October 6th!