BEM: Become Human is an upcoming supernatural adventure film that features three monsters who, disguised as humans, protect the human race from other creatures with the hopes to one day become human themselves. Back in 1968, the franchise was born as Humanoid Monster Bem, which began the journey of these unique and classic characters.
For a few months, a brand new anime film has been in the works over at Production I.G., following the anime released in 2019. The new movie will be directed by Hiroshi Ikehata nad, written by One Piece writer Atsuhiro Tomioka!
While COVID-19 has held up a lot of productions over the past few months, BEM: Become Human has surprisingly been moving along smoothly to where now there is a brand new trailer! Along with new footage, the video features the theme song "Forever" by Rib and has even given an October release date!
With the film's release so close, expect more information on the film to be coming! Make sure to check out the trailer below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Bem, Bela, and Belo are ugly humanoid monsters (yōkai) who fight for justice. The monsters live among humans and protect them from evil yōkai. The three find themselves ostracized from both humans and other yōkai, but the three continue to fight in hopes of one day becoming humans themselves.
BEM: Become Human will be hitting theaters in Japan on October 2nd!