Created by Hajime Musashino, the Burning Kabaddi manga series is a sports manga that covers a highly unconventional sport called Kabaddi. The full-contact sport goes back ages and is incredibly popular in India but has teams in other parts of the world.
The manga follows an ex-soccer player who gains an interest in the sport and joins the school's team, consisting of people with various backgrounds. Since the announcement that an anime adaption of the series is coming soon, many casting announcements have been made that continue to fill out the main team.
Shinji Date is a character who has just recently found his voice in voice-actor Shunsuke Takeuchi. Shinji played a lot of baseball before an injury took him out of the sport. Now, the incredibly muscular but also awkward athlete is joining the Kabaddi team as they journey to victory!
There is still so much left to uncover before next year's premiere but until then, stay tuned for more announcements! We would love to hear your thoughts on the new voice in the comments below!
The manga's story centers on first-year high school student Tatsuya Yoigoshi, a former ace soccer player who dislikes sports. He gets invited to join a team for the contact sport kabaddi. He scoffs at the idea at first but becomes interested after watching a kabaddi practice.
Burning Kabbadi premieres in April 2021!