The new anime series, from the studio NUT, Deca-Dence, tells the story of an airship. An airship that lives high above the earth as humanity's last bastion of safety, after the planet is attacked by creatures named Gadoll. As Gears protect the inhabitants, Tankers keep the airship Deca-Dence in tip-top shape.
With dreams of being a warrior Gear, the young girl, Natsume, meets an older man, and together they shape their destiny high in the sky. The new series is being described as sci-fi action and tells an entirely original story directed by Mob Psycho 100 director, Yuzuru Tachikawa.
After the release of a new trailer, new updates began to emerge on the release of the series, before the summer premiere. The latest update features a brand new promo that shows off the new cast announcements!
The announcements include Eiji Takeuchi as Fennel, Mei Shibata as Fei, Yoshino Aoyama as Kurenai, and Kohsuke Toriumi as Minato. These veteran voice actors, from hit series such as Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and My Hero Academia, set up the supporting cast of the series.
With the new additions, the series is sure not to be short of momentum and energy, in the voices of these new characters. Make sure to share your excitement on the original series, and don't forget to check out the new promo video!
Many years have passed since humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by the sudden emergence of the unknown life forms Gadoll. Those humans that survived now dwell in a 3000 meter-high mobile fortress Deca-dence built to protect themselves from the Gadoll threat.
Denizens of Deca-dence fall into two categories: Gears, warriors who fight the Gadoll daily, and Tankers, those without the skills to fight. One day, Natsume, a Tanker girl who dreams of becoming a Gear meets surly Kaburagi, an armor repairman of Deca-dence.
This chance meeting between the seemingly two opposites, the girl with a positive attitude who never gives up on her dreams and the realist who has given up on his, will eventually shake the future course of this world.
Deca-Dence is set to premiere and stream Funimation, on July 8th!