Yasuyuki Kosaka's Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater is a story about a young girl named Hina Turugi, who moves to a new town on the waterfront. Her life is pretty simple, until an older student forces her indoor lifestyle into the open, when she hangs out with the school's local fishing club. This newfound friendship is the backbone of the main themes of the series and by the end of it, warms the readers heart. The series launched in 2017, in the pages of Akita Shoten's Young Champion Retsu and later spwned an anime series.
The anime originally premiered in April and was also able to stream on Funimation. While the anime had a positive reception, the series was forced to go on hiatus after the third episode, due to the COVID-19 pandemic spreading throughout the world. This pandemic caused many other series to delay, not long after they premiered as well. To pass the time, channels were forced to air reruns of many series, until they could return.
Thankfully there is a light at the end of the tunnel; according to the series' production committee, Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater is finally set to return, this July! Since its hiatus back in April, everyone was patiently awaiting when the show would return and now there is a definite date. Needless to say, both the staff and the fans will be very excited to continue the story.
Happy for the series return? Planning on watching the already released episodes again? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater is set to return, in Japan, on July 7th!