In 2016, Kawo Tanuki and Choco Aya launched the manga series Dragon Goes House-Hunting in the pages of Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Garden. They told the story of an unproblematic dragon who is kicked out for not wanting to terrorize as his family does. From there, he meets friends along the way throughout his journey to find a new home.
Due to the manga's success in both Japan and the west thanks to Seven Seas Entertainment, an anime was confirmed in development over at SIGNAL.MD. The series has also been confirmed to be directed by Haruki Kusagamori and features a cast of Shun Horie as the dragon Letty and Kaito Ishikawa as the elven real estate agent Dearia.
While the show's release isn't until spring of next year, there is still enough footage to show to fans, and because of that, a new trailer has been released for the show. The trailer features a ton of new footage and dialogue from the cast and showcases how fun and heartwarming the show will be.
Dragon Goes House-Hunting has the makings to be one of the best new shows coming to television, but we won't know until April next year. Make sure to check out the new video, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
When a dragon fails to live up to the fearsome standards set for him, his family kicks him out. He embarks on a quest to find a new home, but soon finds that life on the road is no place for a cowardly beast of legend. In a fantasy world full of elves, dwarves, and other mythical creatures, where everyone wants a piece of him—literally!—the frustrations of house-hunting reach a whole new level.
Dragon Goes House-Hunting will premiere in April 2021!