In 2018, Kenjiro Hata released the love story, Fly Me to the Moon. The new series that followed Hata's other series Hayate the Combat Butler, was released in the pages of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday. The manga told the story of Nasa and Tsubasa Yuzaki, the two are newlyweds and readers are able to see their lives as they enter this new chapter. The series has been a major hit for Hata and has even been greenlit for an anime.
The new anime series has recently announced some new cast and crew updates, ahead of release. The series will be directed by Hiroshi Ikehata (Seton Academy: Welcome To The Pack) and Masakatsu Sasaki handling the scripts (We Never Learn: BOKUBEN). Character designer, Goichi Iwahata (Goblin Slayer) will also be apart of the series, to name a few. The series is also set to be animated over at Seven Arcs.
Titular characters Nasa and Tsubasa will be voiced by Junya Enoki and Akari Kito, respectively. As of now these have been the only casting reveals for the series, but mroe will most likely be on te way. Also, the first teaser was also featured, that can be seen below. Make sure to check it out!
Excited for the new series? Happy for a new lighthearted show coming down the pipeline? Make sure to share your thougths in the usual spot! Fly Me to the Moon, is set to release, in Japan, sometime in October!