Beginning as a mystery novel series some time ago, Ikebukuro West Gate Park was created by Ira Ishida and chronicled the stories of a young man who tries to keep the neighborhood together by solving some mysteries around the area and attempting to quiet the tensions between rival gangs. The mystery series has been a hit in Japan since its release.
Following the novels, the franchise has also enjoyed a manga adaption of the series with art from Sena Aritou and even a live-action series that aired back in 2000. The latest iteration of the series is an upcoming manga adaption that shares the same name.
While there have only been some teaser images and not too much footage for the series, the buzz has still managed to grow around the project. Now, a brand new promo was recently released that confirms the premiere date of the series, which will air on Funimation simultaneously with Japan.
Showcasing new footage, the promo is sure to build excitement for the show ahead of its October release. Make sure to check it out below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Based on a series of urban mystery novels (and their live-action adaptation), IWGP follows the coolheaded Makoto as he navigates the pressures of an encroaching gang life in the G-Boys due to his friend, King, being a leader. Makoto sees an opportunity to become a troubleshooter for the gang as a way to keep things calm and protect his friends, but when someone close to him is killed and a rival gang kicks off a turf war, Makoto will find it a bit tough to stay cool.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park will premiere in Japan and stream on Funimation on October 6th!