In 2011, mangaka Masao launched the comedy series Ishida and Asakura, in the pages of Shonen Gahosha's Young King magazine. While the series only ran for two volumes, its brand of hilarious and irreverent humor garnered a large following.
The series follows the titular high school students as one, Asakura, tries his best to become a teacher so that beautiful women will always surround him. Ishida, however, appears to have feelings for his friend, which are never taken too seriously.
By 2013, the manga had crossed over into the world of animation with two-minute shorts that ran for 12 episodes. Eventually, the series began to stream on Crunchyroll but have not been returned to since. That, however, will be changing very soon!
According to voice actor Kiba Walker and the president and COO of Ascendant Animation, the anime will be getting a brand new English dub! While no official release date has been set, Walker, the series ADR director and writer, stated on his Twitter that the series will have a diverse group of actors that represent POCs and the LGBT community.
The way things are shaping up, this dub looks like it is going to be a blast! Make sure to share your thoughts in the announcement in the comments below!
Ishida & Asakura focuses on the title characters—the stoic Ishida and the lecherous Asakura—and the bizarre students and teachers that populate their high school. Asakura is obsessed with curvaceous women and dreams of becoming a teacher in order to be surrounded by attractive girls all day. Ishida dreams of running a flower shop together with Asakura after they finish high school, and appears to have strong homosexual feelings for his best friend, although this is always played for laughs.
The English dub of Ishida and Asakura is coming soon!