The upcoming second season of mystery anime series, Kakegurui, has released a new trailer focusing on the character of Miyo Inbami who is voiced by Yumi Uchiyama. The video shows the character's design, lists her voice actor and lets fans know that the show will be out on January 2019. Expect more of these character introduction trailers, we will keep you updated.
The series launched a live-action television drama in January 15, 2018 and ended on March 19, 2018 with 10 episodes. A second season is in development right now. Tsutomu habasua directed it, JNN, MBS and TBS broadcasted it.
The first season of the anime ran from July 1, 2017 to September 23, 2017 and has 12 episodes. The staff that worked on season 1 and is now coming back for the second season in January 2019 is the following:
Director, Storyboard - Yuuichirou Hayashi
Sound Director - Akiko Fujita
Episode Director, Storyboard - Sayo Yamamoto
Script, Series Composition - Yasuko Kobayashi
Studio - MAPPA
The main voice cast from season 1 is the following, although it has not been confirmed it is coming back for season 2:
Yumeko Jabami - Saori Hayami
Mary Saotome - Minami TAnaka
Ryouta Suzui - Tatsuya Tokutake
Midari Ikishima - Mariya Ise
Kirari Momobami - Miyuki Sawashiro
The manga series that inspired this anime project is written by Homura Kawamoto and illustrated by Toru Naomura. Square Enix publishes it and Yen Press has the English license. It has been publishing in the Gangan Joker magazine since 2014 and has 10 volumes out right now.
Second season of Kakegurui.
Kakeguruixx hits screens on January 2019