Created by Sho Aimoto in 2016, Kemono Jihen released in the pages of Jump SQ magazine and told the story of a man investigating the deaths of animals in a small town. From there, things get a bit more strange after meeting a young boy in the town.
Since its first chapter, the manga has been published in the same magazine and has released 11 compiled volumes so far. Since its release, the book has been a major hit with fans and is even getting its own anime adaption!
During the Jump Special Anime Festa live stream, a brand new promo for the upcoming anime began streaming. The video shows off a ton of new footage and gives both new and old fans an idea of what to expect from the series!
The new series is shaping up to be another exciting hit for fans to look forward to. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new show and promo in the comments below!
The manga starts in a quiet rural village, where many domestic animals die unnatural deaths in a strange incident. To resolve the incident, an odd-looking man from Tokyo who goes by the name "Inugami" comes to the town to investigate. In the town, he meets a young boy who has a mysterious air about him called "Dorotabō."
Kemono Jihen will premiere in Japan in January 2021!