Kurayukaba is an original anime project that tells the story of a young girl, Tanne, and her companions as she drives a train all around a sprawling subterrenean city. Danger is around every corner in the completely original adventure series created by Shigeyoshi Tsukahara and Twiflo. The original anime pilot project premiered during the 2018 Annecy International Animated Film Festival.
The original crowdfunding campaign for the anime managed to raise $35,300 US and not only allowed the original 30 second project to be a whole minute; but also allowed the creators to help fun their main goal; a feature length film. The campaign, as of now is hoping for a 40 minute film, developed by Twin Engine and the crowdfunding campaign is set to run until August 27th. The goal of the campaign is to reach 20 million yen ($188,000). As of now, the fund has reached a total of $5,000 US. Backers are also promised to receive anything from some postcards, digital produciton materials and a recording of the film's background music; all the way to a short story by Durarara!!'s Ryohgo Narita and the option to get your name in the credits! Just to name a few.
The potential 40 minute film has some good names attatched to it as well. To name a few, the film will be the directorial debut of Shigeyoshi Tsukahara and maxcaffy will be doing CG and director of photography. The project has no shortage of drive and passion and it shows in their campaign. The team has also released a 4 minute preview of hte project that can be seen below. Check it out!
Excited for the new film? Hoping to donate? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! The crowdfund for Kurayukaba is set to end on August 27th!