The upcoming adventure anime film, LAIDBACKERS, has revealed two new cast members joining the roster. These two new characters are Jun Fukuyama and Katsuyuki Konishi. There is a new image with the character designs down below. This film will have a two-week screening in Japan in Spring 2019.
Hiroyuki Hashimoto is directing the movie, Makoto Uezu is writing the script, Kei Tsuchiya is under character design, Clock works does the distribution and kz produces the music. The voice cast is the following: Rina Hidaka, Himika Akaneya, You Taichi, Maria Naganawa, Yumi Uchiyama, Yumiri Hanamori and Saki Fujita.
The film also shared a key visual presenting the main characters and their official design. The official site gives more information on the characters' personalities, age and description. The main story the film will follow is also listed there.
In order to take over her grandmother's Dagashi store, art student Kumi Honamanuma moved to Kyoto. She met Harami Mino, K Kusanagi, Mai Haisaka, and a dog who lives in the store, which supposed to be empty. Kumi ended up living with these girls, who claim that they are heroes reincarnated to contemporary period to chase after the demon king. Harami and others seem to live in a peaceful life with no missions to to do anymore, Ran, who was demon king in the past and appears to be an elementary school girl from failing to reincarnate, one day. The story begins with Ran requesting to collect demon king's fragments.
LAIDBACKERS is out on spring 2019